Daily Scorpio Horoscope November 26 (26/11)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

November 26


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 9/10

There might be limits to how far into the future you should be looking where one relationship or commitment is concerned. As helpful as a crystal ball might be, theres much happening here and now that deserves more attention than what the future might hold. Its by putting in place strong foundations that you can effectively dictate what needs to happen further down the road. Try, if you can, to focus your attention on maximizing what deserves to be cherished in the present.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

In some way, you might see only madness and where a clear method is needed. Where you believe a person or possibly an organization is missing a trick and failing to be as effective as they could be or failing to see what you believe to be glaringly obvious, you might need to help steer them. Thats not the same as handholding or doing their task for them. Both they and you can benefit from you stepping in to offer help or advice that you can offer now.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

Some people believe the best way to make a point is to make it once and then make it again, just to be sure. Anyone on the receiving end of someones insistence surrounding laboring a point knows how tedious and tiresome it can be. During the coming week, as Venus and Pluto meet in your communication sector, your passion in terms of the point youre making will be evident but it could also be overpowering. Trust that making it once is likely all thats needed.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

We know when were required to tell someone what we know they want to hear. Were often willing to play the game and appease those waiting for us to say the right thing. If we were mind readers, then such processes would be much quicker and easier but all we have are subtle clues about expectations were meant to match. This month, you look set to beat someone at their own game. Youll know better than they will what theyre expecting you to say and will say it admirably!


health scorpio daily

Star 8/10

You begin to notice more about your body - you may spend more time in front of the bathroom mirror critically analyzing your complexion or standing on the scale playing the numbers game. This is not exactly the healthiest way to spend your time, but we all do it. Intensity will be accentuated during this time. Drinking lots of water will help you to focus on your body in a positive way and eliminate toxins.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

You may not notice the intense line-up of planets right now, being of an intense nature yourself to begin with! However you could be contending with unusually intense energy from people you live with or work with. Get some space from this by going out for a walk. Walking is a great exercise for the lower spine and can be a wonderful treat for your lungs if you take deep, regular breaths.


health scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

You could be suffering from a strange ailment. It may not be easily explained, but it could be linked to an allergic reaction. If your symptoms dont make sense, this is one possibility to investigate. Find out if what you eat, wear, or breathe is affecting you in some way. Have a doctor check out any problems.


health scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

One practice that may be useful over the next month or so is to feed your nerves with plenty of oily fish and B vitamins. If youve been under stress or pressure for any reason, getting enough vitamin B12 can be particularly essential. As well as taking supplements, the cosmos also encourages you to channel this excess energy into activities that leave you feeling relaxed and focused rather than scattered and restless. Daily workouts are particularly helpful, especially if you can manage something aerobic. Jogging or similar activities that require a degree of stamina could leave you feeling much better.


love scorpio daily

Star 9/10

Although you know what you would like to do concerning an ongoing issue, you may not wish to upset your partner (current or prospective), as they would tend to disagree. Today you are encouraged to face up to the facts as they are, and begin the process of sorting through the situation step-by-step. Although this may not provide immediate relief, it is a thorough solution, and will work in the long-term.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

The days planetary energy may help transform a situation within your current relationship that has gone on too long. You would do well to initiate some kind of discussion, or perhaps seek some advice from a counselor who can help with the specific difficulties you have been moving through. To face up to and admit you have a problem in the first place is a very big step forward.


love scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

You try to be there for your friends when theyre in romantic crises, so it hurts when they dont return the favor at the start of the week. Oh well. At least now you know which friends you can count on. Theres no pressure on you to go on a first or blind date over the weekend, which is nice. Do what makes you happy and leave the rest of your social circle guessing what youre up to!


love scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

You arent just messing around when the Moon leaves Scorpio on November 1. Your emotions are intense, and youre looking for a soul mate not just a playmate. When the Taurus Full Moon illuminates the sky on November 14, you go out of your way to avoid messy or complicated situations. You hold tight to your beliefs, and youre seeking someone like-minded to share your life with. The Pluto/Jupiter square on November 24 brings an extremely willful desire to move ahead (which could be a problem if the right person isnt in your life right now). Being alone is better than settling.


career scorpio daily

Star 9/10

Everything is falling into place. People, situations, and opportunities are all making sense to you. Merge with other people, jobs, or ideas. It is a good time to partner up with someone or something that you believe strongly in. Success is yours.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

You are in the position to receive a great accolade or prize of some sort. Receive it with gratitude and confidence. Treat yourself to a celebration dinner or small party. You have reached an important milestone; so dont be afraid to show it off.


career scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

You can shine in any situation that includes food or benefits the interests of families. Get as much done as possible early in the day because your energy will be stronger then. This period is important for making productive contacts. You can also build bridges with current customers. Expect to make changes in your schedule. You may suddenly flare up and speak your mind only to regret your words later. Relax and relieve stress on the weekend.


career scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Youll reap significant rewards from a business partnership or association midmonth. Your professional stature will rise thanks to this alliance. It will be easier to get calls returned and meetings with influential executives. Youll also be able to easily persuade people to support your agenda. A moneymaking proposition at the end of November will look tempting, but be cautious. There could be hidden taxes and fees that severely undercut your profits. Ask to see all the literature involved and read it carefully, especially the fine print. If a salesperson seems evasive when you ask detailed questions, steer clear of this deal.



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