Daily Virgo Horoscope February 17 (17/02)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

February 17


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 9/10

Your could be sending mixed messages or signals to a certain person and your confusing or erratic behavior could be due to trying to make sense of an awkward or potentially painful episode in your past. If you need time and space to get to grips or come to terms with this, then dont be afraid to ask for it. Some reflection or contemplative time alone could help you understand what has been difficult to make sense of so far and serve to bring you and someone closer together.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

A plan or situation is likely to need a nudge and not be left alone to see what happens. You could be waiting a long time if you dont take the reins or help to steer whats unfolding now. Watching from a distance might have offered some level of comfort but if you want to experience success in a particular area, then youre going to have to prove you want it. Taking steps now might feel a bit awkward or preliminary but time might not be on your side in ways you believe it is.


summary virgo weekly

Star 9/10

As your ruler links with Neptune this week, dont be too quick to be dismissive of an idea or plan presenting itself that you made a conscious effort to reject in the past. It might not have been suitable or appropriate back then but it could be very relevant and helpful now. Something or possibly someone who once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority again in some way. This, as youll soon see, is something to grateful for, not suspicious of.


summary virgo monthly

Star 8/10

With Mars and Venus activity in your solar sector of deep sharing, intimacy and regeneration, a bond can deepen or progress to a new level and a boost to your finances can occur, possibly from commission, royalties or money separate from earnings. The Lunar Eclipse on the 10th highlights how you can make more money from an underused or neglected talent. However, its around the Solar Eclipse on the 26th that a new and very exciting partnership can be formed.


health virgo daily

Star 10/10

Quite often one can hear you complain about not knowing which voice to listen to. There is no "right" or "wrong", but you, among other signs, are often fooled into thinking so. This is really the main issue for you: accepting the uncertainty in life. To help you acquire security in this insecure world, it is important to ground yourself in a consistent exercise regimen. The benefit is psychological as well as physical. Consistency and discipline will set you free!


health virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Keep this in mind - there are big planets out there doing a dance and you are but a fleck of celestial dust! Drop some of your bigger concerns and focus on what you can do today to improve your health (lots of drinking water, daily exercise, rest). A personal sense of well-being is the priority here. Give way to change and the adjustments will be much easier to take; stand in the way of change and you will feel pain and disappointment.


health virgo weekly

Star 7/10

There could be tension in the air that shows up in your body as fatigue. If you continually get wound up, argumentative, and involved, you could have problems. You have a chance to transform your health by changing your attitude to life. If you can see how you contribute to your problems, you can make the right changes.


health virgo monthly

Star 7/10

You may become aware of ideas and options that could revolutionize aspects of your well-being, and this trend could see you taking advantage of some interesting opportunities to upgrade your health. A Lunar Eclipse on February 10 could indicate that a period of rest would be helpful. Try not to push yourself for the first two weeks of the month. Instead, take every opportunity to unwind, relax, and adjust your perspective on life. In addition, a trend that you adopt at this time could have a profound effect in the weeks and months ahead, so choose wisely.


love virgo daily

Star 7/10

The days astral aspect may be just the incentive you need to get you to make a heartfelt connection with someone special. But it is no good wafting around in the background, trying to catch their attention and hoping that they will come over and start a conversation; you are going to have to start the ball rolling if you want to make progress.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

With the planets position of today, originality and sensuality team together in a happy duo today. If you want to make an impression on your date, then dress to kill, but also make sure that you are clothed in something that makes a unique statement about your raison dtre. A combination of a sexy scent and heady conversation may just be what is needed to swing things in your favor.


love virgo weekly

Star 7/10

Do you place a lot of expectations on your love life? Are you tired of being judged for things that are none of anyone elses business? You may not have control over who says what in the beginning of the week, but you can control your response. You have a lot to do over the weekend, but you arent about to let your extensive to-do list interfere with a date youve been anticipating. Luckily, time is on your side.


love virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Mercury leaves earthy Capricorn for airy Aquarius on February 7 and communication becomes interesting and unconventional. One of your favorite activities with a date is discussing a broad range of topics, with very few subjects off limits. The Mars/Pluto square stirs up some challenging energy on February 22, at which point youll probably go on the offensive. Making the first move takes guts, but the results wont always be what you hope for or expect. Pisces Mercury on February 25 is an emotional combination, and expressing your feelings doesnt always come easily. Share them with a trustworthy person.


career virgo daily

Star 10/10

You are on solid ground to feel free to take that next giant step up the mountain. Other people will be there to support you if you slip. Most likely, however, you will be able to handle everything just fine on your own - so dont worry.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Foreign ideas and concepts are suddenly much more appealing to you. If it has been your desire to work in a foreign country, now is your big chance to make a move toward that goal. The time is right for you to advance in a new location.


career virgo weekly

Star 8/10

This time can bring a mixed bag of events, activities, and emotions. Focus on practical little details and dont take other peoples critical attitude personally. Simply do your best. Some days can be difficult unless you surrender anything that is simply no longer working. Clinging to your own agenda can make the time drag. Trust your intuition about people. This will help you make the best decisions. This is the most positive time for after-hours gatherings with co-workers.


career virgo monthly

Star 8/10

A Lunar Eclipse on February 10 offers a chance for rest, relaxation, and reflection. Take this opportunity to enjoy some time away from the office. Even taking a short trip to a secluded hideaway will give you a chance to recover from work-related stress. By the time February 26 arrives, youll be ready to embark on a stimulating partnership. Joining forces with someone who takes a creative, instinctual approach will cause your own star to rise. Youll be free to handle all the practical details while your associate develops innovative products and services. It will be a win/win situation.



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