Daily Cancer Horoscope July 29 (29/07)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

July 29


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 10/10

Your instincts are unlikely to be leading you astray where you suspect more exists within a certain situation than youre being told. Something youre expected to believe is all fine and dandy has holes in it, and your dilemma might surround keeping this information to yourself for the time being or bringing suspicions into the open. Doing the former buys you time to assess your position and response properly.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

Part of you wants to seize a certain opportunity, another part of you cant ignore the potential consequences of doing so. Considering an option fills you with as much excitement as it does trepidation. Thats understandable and very much along the lines of what you should be feeling. However, the risk youre being encouraged to take now isnt as great as you fear. Theres no need to rush a process but taking just one small step toward embracing it will prove reassuring.


summary cancer weekly

Star 10/10

Love and money are linked in a curious way and the coming week could see you take the reins where both are concerned to steer both toward more fulfilling and comfortable destinations. Try not to be resentful of tension or ways in which emotions find their way into discussions surrounding affairs of the heart and your bank balance. This week marks the start of a process intended to transform both areas. All you need to do is be accepting of what needs to change and take a small step to bring it.


summary cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Coming weeks could bring a need to become reclusive, not out of moodiness or unwillingness to interact with others but because you might feel its necessary to enjoy some you time in order to focus on tasks, plans or a project that need your undivided attention. The Full Moon on the 9th could coincide with you making clear what youre no longer prepared to accept where one relationship or contractual arrangement is concerned. As the month draws to a close, you could be focused intently on boosting your income and one idea holds serious moneymaking potential.


health cancer daily

Star 10/10

Give yourself some breathing room in order to fully know what your body needs this at this time. By \"breathing room,\" I mean aerobic exercise. Yoga is a great example of something that gives you the skills to relax and deepen your breath. This is the main benefit of yoga, and needs to be understood by those who practice it. Rather than focusing on \"tightening your butt,\" let yoga loosen your tight grip on reality and through expanding your lung capacity, and give you important perspective.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

You often find yourself caught in the middle: in the middle of two friends who aren\t getting along, in the middle of trying to accomplish many goals at once, in the middle of trying to get from point A to point B without hurting or disappointing anyone. This is how you exhaust yourself! To help vitalize your inner core, focus on your diet and exercise. Doing whatever it takes to execute these two areas of your life will give you the peace of mind to choose what goals you can realistically accomplish.


health cancer weekly

Star 10/10

A focus on your partnership zone gives you plenty to look forward to now. Your health is great but for a possible sensitivity to certain foods or chemicals. Make sure that what you\re eating doesn\t cause breakouts or digestive upset. Otherwise, dig in! A good book could be a real inspiration to you over the coming days.


health cancer monthly

Star 7/10

As Saturn continues to reverse in your wellness sector, this month and the coming months offer a chance to restructure your routines. You may have desired change for a while, especially as the presence of Saturn here can make you conscious of exactly what needs to change. Doing it can be another matter, however, and something that requires application. You may find that having a personal trainer or life coach who can support you when you need it is the best way to reach your goals. Being accountable to someone might encourage you to push past those obstacles and go for it.


love cancer daily

Star 7/10

You generally like to build up to things in a slow steady kind of way, and create the way for real passion to develop. Today, however, you may be caught off guard with little time to prepare your script. Your usual ability to control the situation will not be present. You will just have to be spontaneous. For once go with it, and you\ll actually enjoy yourself.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

Days like this are a bit of a dilemma for you. You know there is something weighing heavily on your mind and in your heart, but you hate to appear vulnerable. In fact, you hate to admit that you are having a problem at all. This gung-ho attitude will only cause you more pain in the end. Bite the bullet and spit it out. You will feel much better if you do.


love cancer weekly

Star 10/10

If you need a new outfit for a date at the start of the week, go for something vintage or shop at a small boutique that carries styles that are different from those in the chain stores. The way to wow someone new is with a totally unique first impression. You dont like to talk about taboo topics over the weekend, so your perfect date isnt someone who enjoys controversy. Stay away from extroverts who are just looking for attention.


love cancer monthly

Star 9/10

Youre been searching for the perfect partner, but during the July 5 Sun/Jupiter square you always seem to end up disappointed for some reason. Are you being too critical or do you deserve more than youve been getting recently? Deep down, you know the answer. A Mercury/Saturn trine on July 19 shines an honest spotlight on your love life, and this could be when you realize how things are rather than how you wish they were. Eye-opening experiences arent always pleasant, but theyre necessary for growth. Your feelings are hurt easily when Venus enters your sign on July 26. Try not to take things personally.


career cancer daily

Star 10/10

A pushy co-worker may seem like a threat to you, but on closer examination, you will see that if you work together with this person, you will actually accomplish quite a bit. There is no need to view others as enemies when they are really allies.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

Someone will give you an important piece of information today. Double check facts before you automatically trust what this person has told you. The information will be tainted, so be careful of what you consider truth. The lines may be blurred.


career cancer weekly

Star 8/10

Careful review and practice of your skills will bring good luck now. Your communication skills and natural diplomacy can help build morale. Expect many pleasant and helpful contacts. If you want a new or better job, this is the most powerful time to make a change. Pay close attention to financial details now. Be clear about any work-related savings or benefit plans.


career cancer monthly

Star 8/10

A partnership will come to a satisfying conclusion on or around July 9. Working with an experienced executive has been instructive. Now youre ready to go solo. At times youll feel vulnerable without your associate. Push past your fears and rise to the challenge. Youre a born leader who now has all the tools needed to succeed. An exciting moneymaking opportunity will arrive near July 23. Any ventures involving entertainment, childrens goods, or gambling could be especially profitable. Youll have to move quickly to corner the market, but it can be done. Dont be afraid to face down an intimidating rival.



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